Congratulations on your engagement and Thank You very much for taking a closer look at us! Choosing your Wedding Barn Venue should be an exciting and fun-filled time for this is the place you say “I DO” to the love of your life!
Our authentic, once thriving dairy farm which housed 20,000 bails of hay in what now is the reception area, went through extensive renovations in early 2012 to become one of Maine’s Premier Wedding Barn Venues and one of Maine’s largest open style barns.
The Barn and our Bridal Farm House sit high atop 108 country acres over looking the Maine Western Mountains and yet is only 5 minutes away from the second largest twin cities of Maine, Lewiston-Auburn, boasting five-star hotels, many top area restaurants, shopping malls and theaters.
Come see for yourself, call or email us for a private tour, we would love to show you around. – Owners: Barbara & John